At Temptronic, we bring temperature to your test.
Let us help you simplify rapid, precise thermal cycling.

Benchtop Thermal Test System
RapidTempTM BT28 ThermoStream®
Elevate Your Benchtop Testing Experience
Discover how our space-saving, high-speed, temperature forcing technology can help you stay ahead of the competition while maximizing your workspace.

ThermoStream® ECO 710E/810E
Eco-Friendly Electronics Temperature Test System
The ECO Series is an environmentally friendly Temptronic® ThermoStream® temperature forcing system that uses less energy with ECO series thermal test system very low audible noise.

ThermoStream® ECO 560/660
Eco-Friendly Thermal Test System
New High Capacity, Low cost Air Forcing System
New temperature test system uses less energy with ECO Series technology, delivering high-performance with low noise and low cost.

ThermoSpot® Systems
Bench-Top Direct Contact Thermal Cycling Systems
The ThermoSpot® family of direct contact systems provide an efficient source for IC temperature characterization, including high-Watt emitting devices. Highly responsive and reliable, the unit feeds a thermal probe head through a flexible umbilical – without the use of thermoelectric modules.

ThermoStream® ATS Series
Portable Temperature Test Environments
Temptronic ThermoStreams are portable systems that deliver clean dry air for precision temperature testing or conditioning of electronics (ICs, MEMS, transceivers, or circuits) and materials.

ThermoChuck® Systems
Semiconductor Wafer Thermal Test Systems
For wafer testing in Probe Stations, as well as Laser Trim and Wafer Burn-in. A few specialized applications include Low leakage probing (fA level), and High voltage probing (up to 10kV).

Temptronic Accessories
Enclosures to optimize your temperature environment
A variety of standard enclosures attach directly to a ThermoStream nozzle or remotely via a hose. StreamChamber apertures reduce heat loss while allowing convenient access to devices.